Adult King VULTURE headshot fidelity

Adult King VULTURE headshot fidelity

Adult King VULTURE headshot fidelity

Adult King VULTURE headshot fidelity

Adult King VULTURE headshot fidelity

BEE Eaters forming mating partnerships

BEE Eaters forming mating partnerships

BEE Eaters forming mating partnerships

BEE Eaters forming mating partnerships

BEE Eaters forming mating partnerships

A moment in motion

A moment in motion

A moment in motion

A moment in motion

A moment in motion

A Very wet and happy Toucan

A Very wet and happy Toucan

A Very wet and happy Toucan

A Very wet and happy Toucan

A Very wet and happy Toucan

Black Winged Stilt

Black Winged Stilt

Black Winged Stilt

Black Winged Stilt

Black Winged Stilt

Blackbird in the snow

Blackbird in the snow

Blackbird in the snow

Blackbird in the snow

Blackbird in the snow

Chin Strapp Penquin ready to fish

Chin Strapp Penquin ready to fish

Chin Strapp Penquin ready to fish

Chin Strapp Penquin ready to fish

Chin Strapp Penquin ready to fish

Family of Jacana big foots

Family of Jacana big foots

Family of Jacana big foots

Family of Jacana big foots

Family of Jacana big foots

Gentoo Penguin and chick

Gentoo Penguin and chick

Gentoo Penguin and chick

Gentoo Penguin and chick

Gentoo Penguin and chick

Head study of the Roseate Spoonbill

Head study of the Roseate Spoonbill

Head study of the Roseate Spoonbill

Head study of the Roseate Spoonbill

Head study of the Roseate Spoonbill

Honey creeper left Euphonia right

Honey creeper left Euphonia right

Honey creeper left Euphonia right

Honey creeper left Euphonia right

Honey creeper left Euphonia right

Hummimg bird in motion

Hummimg bird in motion

Hummimg bird in motion

Hummimg bird in motion

Hummimg bird in motion


This is the contact page of photographer jennifer margaret. webster GMPSA ARPS DPAGB SPSA EFIAP/p bpe 5. EAPS/G Kacie Belle is my stand in Portfolio image.

Jennifer Margaret. Webster GMPSA ARPS DPAGB SPSA EFIAP/p BPE5 Photography

Photography is my life.I am so DEDICATED ...I travel into difficult locations to get my images.


Fairways, England,



Note: We aim to respond within 24 hours