
This is the contact page of photographer jennifer margaret. webster GMPSA ARPS DPAGB SPSA EFIAP/p bpe 5. EAPS/G Kacie Belle is my stand in Portfolio image.


This is about page of photographer jennifer margaret. webster GMPSA ARPS DPAGB SPSA EFIAP/p bpe 5 I am passionate about photography, I enjoy many Genre but Nature pure wildlife work out in the environment, is my absolute pleasure...I hope my images show animal behavour this is where I find the most rewards. I Challenge myself to seek out rare and endangered mammals and birds. I have contacts that help me achieve my missions and I am eternally grateful to Kaustubh Mulay /Paul Sawer/ John Haskew/.. I Do enjoy helping others to improve there skills, I also judge international competitions. I am a PAGB Advisor...which keeps me very busy. I compete at International level as I strive to upgrade my distinctions. many of the images through my website are multiple Gold Medal images. I am a canon user, and have just adapted mirrorless, most of these images are on dx marks1-3...my favourite lens 400ml fixed lens. and I shoot mostly in full manual..I am self taught..and still learning......

Jennifer Margaret. Webster GMPSA ARPS DPAGB SPSA EFIAP/p BPE5 Photography

Photography is my life.I am so DEDICATED ...I travel into difficult locations to get my images.


Fairways, England,



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